WP Global Cart
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WP Global Cart for WooCommerce

A single WooCommerce shopping cart, checkout, login, user list
across all stores in a WordPress MultiSite environment

( former WooGlobalCart )

WordPress MultiSite Global Cart

Unify all your WordPress MultiSite WooCommerce shops into a unique marketplace by using a single cart crossdomain available and a single checkout.

Global Cart

Single cart available along with any store on the MultiSite Network. Any products from any site can be pushed to the cart.


100% compatible with latest WordPress and WooCommerce. Always checked with new to come releases.


Flawless integration with unlimited number of shops within MultiSite environment. No code changes are necessarily.

Any domain type

Works with assigned custom domains within network, or sudomains / subfolder shops.

Global Users

User data is managed globally, a customer can access any shop in the network using it's account.

Easy to setup

Out of the box run, easy to follow settings. Documentation articles and videos available for additional help.

Lifetime updates

Unlimited plugin updates, no further costs.

Lifetime support

Initial purchase will cover lifetime plugin support.

Need similar features on separate shops ( individual WordPress stand-alone sites ) ?

Check our WP Global Cart – Single Site a single WooCommerce shopping cart and checkout across all your WooCommerce stores ( individual sites ), with product synchronization and stock control.

Flexible Cart Checkout

The checkout process can be set to run on each of the shops that includes a product in the cart, or at specified shop, or it can be allowed anywhere within the MultiSite network.

There are two set-up types for checkout:

  • Single Checkout: The payment is collected for all products in the cart at a single shop. This can be set through admin or can be left up to the customer. A Split Order option is available to create individual orders within each of the shops which include a product in the checkout process.
  • Each Store: The payment is collected separately for each shop for which there is a product in the cart.
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Any product type
Simple, grouped, variable, external, affiliate products

Any type of products within a shop are supported.

Everything will work just the same as before. If new product types are created they will be available too.

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WooCommerce Global Reports

WooCommerce Global Reports provide you the ability to see all network store’s performance using easy to follow graphs and stats. It has three sections: Orders, Customers, Stock

The reports extend the default WooCommerce reports system, so the interfaces are similar but include data from all shops in the network.

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Order management
Unique Orders interface for easy management

For easy management of orders across shops within the network, the plugin provides a single interface for all orders in the networks within the superadmin interface.

The interface styling and functionality are the same as the default WooCommerce Orders area. Additionally, more filters and features are available.

The plugin is compatible with the new WooCommerce HPOS – High Performance Order Storage system. If not active for the shop, It can also handle the old table structure.

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Global Search across all shops

Global search functionality across all shops in the network

By default, when customers perform a search within a specific shop, the search results are limited to that particular site, excluding products from other shops within the network. However, through the implementation of custom functionality, the search mechanism is extended to encompass the entire multi-site network environment. This enhanced capability allows the search to examine all available data across the network, providing comprehensive search results that include products from all shops based on the user’s search query.

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Easy to setup

Instalation and setup is a simple process, this can be done for newly created or existing networks.


Step 1

Plugin Install

The installation process for the plugin closely follows the standard procedures found in other applications, eliminating the need for any additional, complex steps. Upon activation, the global cart seamlessly becomes operational and is instantly prepared for use across the entire network, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience for users.


Step 2

Making Configuration

A minimal configuration is all that is required to guarantee the 'add to cart' and checkout processes run seamlessly. This streamlined setup ensures efficient and hassle-free shopping experiences for your users.


Step 3

Automated Adjustments

Depending on the configuration settings, the plugin automatically manages any necessary adjustments within the shop. In situations where adjustments are required, the plugin will prompt the user through a guided process, simplifying the setup for a more tailored and user-friendly experience.

Step 4

Ready for use

The new functionality has been seamlessly deployed and is now readily available for use across all shops within the expansive WordPress MultiSite network. This expansive integration ensures that all network members can access and leverage this feature for enhanced performance and capabilities.

What other said about plugin?

These are success peoples testimonials who increased revenue and market share since using WP Global Cart plugin

See plugin demonstration video

Need similar features on a single WordPress stand-alone site?

Check with WP Multi Domain plugin which provides a network of domains on top of a single WordPress (default) and WooCommerce instance.

Need similar features on separate shops ( individual WordPress stand-alone sites ) ?

Check our WP Global Cart – Single Site a single WooCommerce shopping cart and checkout across all your WooCommerce stores ( individual sites ), with product synchronization and stock control.